Mutations Can Be Considered as One of the Components of Evolution Because They

Genetic Variation

Genetic variation is a measure of the variation that exists in the genetic makeup of individuals within population.

Learning Objectives

Assess the ways in which genetic variance affects the evolution of populations

Primal Takeaways

Key Points

  • Genetic variation is an of import strength in evolution as it allows natural choice to increase or decrease frequency of alleles already in the population.
  • Genetic variation can be caused by mutation (which tin create entirely new alleles in a population), random mating, random fertilization, and recombination between homologous chromosomes during meiosis (which reshuffles alleles inside an organism's offspring).
  • Genetic variation is advantageous to a population considering it enables some individuals to adapt to the environment while maintaining the survival of the population.

Key Terms

  • genetic diversity: the level of biodiversity, refers to the total number of genetic characteristics in the genetic makeup of a species
  • crossing over: the exchange of genetic fabric between homologous chromosomes that results in recombinant chromosomes
  • phenotypic variation: variation (due to underlying heritable genetic variation); a fundamental prerequisite for evolution by natural selection
  • genetic variation: variation in alleles of genes that occurs both within and among populations

Genetic Variation

Genetic variation is a measure of the genetic differences that exist inside a population. The genetic variation of an entire species is oftentimes chosen genetic diverseness. Genetic variations are the differences in DNA segments or genes between individuals and each variation of a gene is chosen an allele.For example, a population with many different alleles at a single chromosome locus has a high amount of genetic variation. Genetic variation is essential for natural pick because natural selection can but increment or decrease frequency of alleles that already exist in the population.

Genetic variation is caused past:

  • mutation
  • random mating between organisms
  • random fertilization
  • crossing over (or recombination) between chromatids of homologous chromosomes during meiosis

The last iii of these factors reshuffle alleles within a population, giving offspring combinations which differ from their parents and from others.


Genetic variation in the shells of Donax variabilis: An enormous corporeality of phenotypic variation exists in the shells of Donax varabilis, otherwise known every bit the coquina mollusc. This phenotypic variation is due at to the lowest degree partly to genetic variation within the coquina population.

Evolution and Accommodation to the Surround

Variation allows some individuals within a population to adapt to the changing environment. Because natural selection acts directly just on phenotypes, more genetic variation within a population usually enables more phenotypic variation. Some new alleles increase an organism's power to survive and reproduce, which then ensures the survival of the allele in the population. Other new alleles may be immediately detrimental (such as a malformed oxygen-conveying protein) and organisms carrying these new mutations will die out. Neutral alleles are neither selected for nor confronting and normally remain in the population. Genetic variation is advantageous considering it enables some individuals and, therefore, a population, to survive despite a changing environment.


Depression genetic diversity in the wild cheetah population: Populations of wild cheetahs accept very low genetic variation. Because wild cheetahs are threatened, their species has a very depression genetic variety. This low genetic multifariousness means they are often susceptible to disease and often pass on lethal recessive mutations; just virtually 5% of cheetahs survive to adulthood.

Geographic Variation

Some species display geographic variation as well every bit variation within a population. Geographic variation, or the distinctions in the genetic makeup of different populations, often occurs when populations are geographically separated by environmental barriers or when they are under choice pressures from a unlike environment. 1 example of geographic variation are clines: graded changes in a grapheme down a geographic centrality.

Sources of Genetic Variation

Gene duplication, mutation, or other processes can produce new genes and alleles and increase genetic variation. New genetic variation tin be created within generations in a population, so a population with rapid reproduction rates volition probably have high genetic variation. However, existing genes can be bundled in new ways from chromosomal crossing over and recombination in sexual reproduction. Overall, the main sources of genetic variation are the formation of new alleles, the altering of gene number or position, rapid reproduction, and sexual reproduction.

Genetic Drift

Genetic drift is the change in allele frequencies of a population due to random run a risk events, such as natural disasters.

Learning Objectives

Distinguish between selection and genetic drift

Key Takeaways

Primal Points

  • Genetic drift is the change in the frequency of an allele in a population due to random sampling and the random events that influence the survival and reproduction of those individuals.
  • The bottleneck issue occurs when a natural disaster or similar event randomly kills a big portion (i.eastward. random sample) of the population, leaving survivors that have allele frequencies that were very dissimilar from the previous population.
  • The founder upshot occurs when a portion of the population (i.east. "founders") separates from the former population to kickoff a new population with unlike allele frequencies.
  • Modest populations are more susceptible genetic migrate than large populations, whose larger numbers can buffer the population against chance events.

Key Terms

  • genetic drift: an overall shift of allele distribution in an isolated population, due to random sampling
  • founder issue: a subtract in genetic variation that occurs when an entire population descends from a small number of founders
  • random sampling: a subset of individuals (a sample) chosen from a larger set (a population) by chance

Genetic Drift vs. Natural Pick

Genetic drift is the converse of natural option. The theory of natural selection maintains that some individuals in a population have traits that enable to survive and produce more than offspring, while other individuals have traits that are detrimental and may cause them to die before reproducing. Over successive generation, these selection pressures tin modify the gene puddle and the traits within the population. For example, a big, powerful male person gorilla will mate with more females than a small-scale, weak male and therefore more of his genes will be passed on to the next generation. His offspring may go on to boss the troop and pass on their genes too. Over time, the selection force per unit area will cause the allele frequencies in the gorilla population to shift toward big, potent males.

Unlike natural selection, genetic drift describes the effect of chance on populations in the absence of positive or negative selection pressure. Through random sampling, or the survival or and reproduction of a random sample of individuals within a population, allele frequencies within a population may change. Rather than a male person gorilla producing more offspring considering he is stronger, he may be the only male available when a female is set to mate. His genes are passed on to futurity generation considering of chance, not because he was the biggest or the strongest. Genetic migrate is the shift of alleles within a population due to chance events that cause random samples of the population to reproduce or non.


Result of genetic drift: Genetic drift in a population can pb to the elimination of an allele from that population past chance. In this example, the brown coat color allele (B) is dominant over the white coat color allele (b). In the first generation, the two alleles occur with equal frequency in the population, resulting in p and q values of.v. Simply half of the individuals reproduce, resulting in a 2d generation with p and q values of.7 and.3, respectively. Merely two individuals in the 2nd generation reproduce and, by risk, these individuals are homozygous dominant for brown coat colour. Equally a result, in the 3rd generation the recessive b allele is lost.

Small populations are more susceptible to the forces of genetic drift. Big populations, on the other manus, are buffered against the effects of chance. If one individual of a population of x individuals happens to dice at a young age before leaving any offspring to the next generation, all of its genes (1/ten of the population'south gene pool) will be suddenly lost. In a population of 100, that individual represents only 1 percent of the overall genetic pool; therefore, genetic drift has much less impact on the larger population's genetic structure.

The Clogging Effect

Genetic drift can likewise be magnified by natural events, such as a natural disaster that kills a big portion of the population at random. The bottleneck effect occurs when simply a few individuals survive and reduces variation in the factor pool of a population. The genetic structure of the survivors becomes the genetic structure of the entire population, which may exist very different from the pre-disaster population.


Outcome of a bottleneck on a population: A chance event or catastrophe can reduce the genetic variability within a population.

The Founder Effect

Another scenario in which populations might experience a strong influence of genetic drift is if some portion of the population leaves to start a new population in a new location or if a population gets divided past a physical bulwark of some kind. In this situation, it is improbable that those individuals are representative of the entire population, which results in the founder issue. The founder effect occurs when the genetic structure changes to friction match that of the new population's founding fathers and mothers.


The Founder Effect: The founder effect occurs when a portion of the population (i.e. "founders") separates from the old population to start a new population with different allele frequencies.

The founder effect is believed to accept been a key factor in the genetic history of the Afrikaner population of Dutch settlers in Due south Africa, as evidenced past mutations that are common in Afrikaners, merely rare in about other populations. This was probably due to the fact that a higher-than-normal proportion of the founding colonists carried these mutations. As a result, the population expresses unusually high incidences of Huntington'due south disease (HD) and Fanconi anemia (FA), a genetic disorder known to crusade claret marrow and congenital abnormalities, even cancer.

Migrate and fixation

The Hardy–Weinberg principle states that within sufficiently large populations, the allele frequencies remain constant from ane generation to the next unless the equilibrium is disturbed by migration, genetic mutation, or pick.

Because the random sampling can remove, but non replace, an allele, and because random declines or increases in allele frequency influence expected allele distributions for the next generation, genetic drift drives a population towards genetic uniformity over time. When an allele reaches a frequency of one (100%) it is said to be "stock-still" in the population and when an allele reaches a frequency of 0 (0%) it is lost. Once an allele becomes fixed, genetic drift for that allele comes to a halt, and the allele frequency cannot change unless a new allele is introduced in the population via mutation or cistron flow. Thus even while genetic drift is a random, directionless process, information technology acts to eliminate genetic variation over time.


Genetic drift over time: Ten simulations of random genetic migrate of a single given allele with an initial frequency distribution 0.5 measured over the course of l generations, repeated in three reproductively synchronous populations of different sizes. In these simulations, alleles drift to loss or fixation (frequency of 0.0 or 1.0) merely in the smallest population.Consequence of population size on genetic drift: Ten simulations each of random change in the frequency distribution of a single hypothetical allele over 50 generations for unlike sized populations; first population size n=xx, 2d population n=200, and 3rd population northward=2000.

Gene Menses and Mutation

A population'south genetic variation changes as individuals migrate into or out of a population and when mutations introduce new alleles.

Learning Objectives

Explain how factor menstruum and mutations can influence the allele frequencies of a population

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • Plant populations experience cistron menstruum by spreading their pollen long distances.
  • Animals experience cistron flow when individuals leave a family group or herd to join other populations.
  • The flow of individuals in and out of a population introduces new alleles and increases genetic variation within that population.
  • Mutations are changes to an organism'due south Dna that create variety inside a population by introducing new alleles.
  • Some mutations are harmful and are quickly eliminated from the population by natural selection; harmful mutations prevent organisms from reaching sexual maturity and reproducing.
  • Other mutations are benign and can increase in a population if they help organisms reach sexual maturity and reproduce.

Key Terms

  • gene flow: the transfer of alleles or genes from ane population to some other
  • mutation: any heritable change of the base-pair sequence of genetic material

Factor Period

An important evolutionary strength is gene flow: the menses of alleles in and out of a population due to the migration of individuals or gametes. While some populations are fairly stable, others experience more movement and fluctuation. Many plants, for instance, send their pollen past wind, insects, or birds to pollinate other populations of the same species some distance away. Even a population that may initially announced to be stable, such as a pride of lions, tin can receive new genetic variation as developing males get out their mothers to form new prides with genetically-unrelated females. This variable menses of individuals in and out of the group non just changes the gene structure of the population, but tin can also innovate new genetic variation to populations in unlike geological locations and habitats.


Cistron flow: Gene menstruum can occur when an individual travels from 1 geographic location to another.

Maintained gene menses between two populations tin can also lead to a combination of the two cistron pools, reducing the genetic variation between the two groups. Gene flow strongly acts against speciation, by recombining the gene pools of the groups, and thus, repairing the developing differences in genetic variation that would have led to full speciation and cosmos of girl species.

For example, if a species of grass grows on both sides of a highway, pollen is likely to be transported from ane side to the other and vice versa. If this pollen is able to fertilize the institute where it ends upwardly and produce viable offspring, then the alleles in the pollen have finer linked the population on one side of the highway with the other.


Mutations are changes to an organism's DNA and are an important driver of diversity in populations. Species evolve because of the accumulation of mutations that occur over fourth dimension. The advent of new mutations is the most common way to introduce novel genotypic and phenotypic variance. Some mutations are unfavorable or harmful and are quickly eliminated from the population by natural option. Others are beneficial and will spread through the population. Whether or not a mutation is beneficial or harmful is determined by whether it helps an organism survive to sexual maturity and reproduce. Some mutations have no effect on an organism and can linger, unaffected by natural selection, in the genome while others can have a dramatic effect on a factor and the resulting phenotype.


Mutation in a garden rose: A mutation has caused this garden moss rose to produce flowers of dissimilar colors. This mutation has introduce a new allele into the population that increases genetic variation and may exist passed on to the adjacent generation.

Nonrandom Mating and Environmental Variance

Population structure can exist altered by nonrandom mating (the preference of sure individuals for mates) as well as the environment.

Learning Objectives

Explicate how environmental variance and nonrandom mating can change gene frequencies in a population

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • Nonrandom mating can occur when individuals adopt mates with particular superior physical characteristics or past the preference of individuals to mate with individuals like to themselves.
  • Nonrandom mating tin can also occur when mates are chosen based on physical accessibility; that is, the availability of some mates over others.
  • Phenotypes of individuals tin also exist influenced by the surround in which they alive, such as temperature, terrain, or other factors.
  • A cline occurs when populations of a given species vary gradually across an ecological slope.

Cardinal Terms

  • cline: a gradation in a grapheme or phenotype within a species or other group
  • sexual option: a mode of natural choice in which some individuals out-reproduce others of a population because they are better at securing mates
  • assortative mating: betwixt males and females of a species, the common attraction or selection, for reproductive purposes, of individuals with like characteristics

Nonrandom Mating

If individuals nonrandomly mate with other individuals in the population, i.east. they choose their mate, choices tin can drive evolution within a population. There are many reasons nonrandom mating occurs. One reason is elementary mate choice or sexual selection; for example, female peahens may adopt peacocks with bigger, brighter tails. Traits that pb to more than matings for an individual lead to more offspring and through natural selection, somewhen lead to a higher frequency of that trait in the population. One common form of mate option, called positive assortative mating, is an individual's preference to mate with partners that are phenotypically similar to themselves.


Assortative mating in the American Robin: The American Robin may practice assortative mating on plumage color, a melanin based trait, and mate with other robins who accept the most like shade of color. Notwithstanding, in that location may also be some sexual option for more vibrant plume which indicates wellness and reproductive functioning.

Another cause of nonrandom mating is concrete location. This is especially true in large populations spread over large geographic distances where non all individuals will have equal access to one another. Some might exist miles apart through forest or over crude terrain, while others might alive immediately nearby.

Environmental Variance

Genes are non the just players involved in determining population variation. Phenotypes are besides influenced by other factors, such as the environment. A beachgoer is likely to have darker pare than a city dweller, for instance, due to regular exposure to the sun, an environmental cistron. Some major characteristics, such as gender, are determined by the environment for some species. For instance, some turtles and other reptiles have temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). TSD means that individuals develop into males if their eggs are incubated inside a certain temperature range, or females at a different temperature range.


Temperature-dependent sex determination: The sex of the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) is adamant past the temperature at which the eggs are incubated. Eggs incubated at thirty degrees C produce females, and eggs incubated at 33 degrees C produce males.

Geographic separation between populations can atomic number 82 to differences in the phenotypic variation between those populations. Such geographical variation is seen betwixt nigh populations and can exist significant. One blazon of geographic variation, called a cline, can be seen as populations of a given species vary gradually across an ecological gradient.


Geographic variation in moose: This graph shows geographical variation in moose; torso mass increase positively with breadth. Bergmann's Rule is an ecologic principle which states that every bit latitude increases the trunk mass of a particular species increases. The information are taken from a Swedish study investigating the size of moose as latitude increases as shows the positive human relationship betwixt the 2, supporting Bergmann's Rule.

Species of warm-blooded animals, for instance, tend to have larger bodies in the libation climates closer to the world'south poles, allowing them to better conserve estrus. This is considered a latitudinal cline. Alternatively, flowering plants tend to bloom at different times depending on where they are forth the slope of a mountain, known as an altitudinal cline.

If there is gene menstruation between the populations, the individuals will likely show gradual differences in phenotype along the cline. Restricted factor flow, on the other hand, can lead to precipitous differences, even speciation.


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